Happy New Year from TTEA!
23 benefit things for 2023
January 1, 2023: new year, deductible and out-of-pocket expenses start over
January 1, 2023: new year, new HSA (Health Savings Account) starts over for 2023, cap: $3,850 singles, $7,750 families. Over 55? You can contribute an extra $1,000
Marriage - notify the district office, covering spouse? within 30 days of marriage must provide an enrollment form and marriage certificate
Babies - notify the district office, submit an enrollment form to CVT (California’s Valued Trust) within 30 days of birth–provide a birth certificate when issued
Child turns 26 - notify the district office. 30 days in advance of the dependent child aging out, CVT will notify subscribers, along with a COBRA offer-CVT will also notify the district if the premium changes. Continue to follow up
Divorce - once the divorce is final, notify the district office to have the spouse dropped
Death of insured member - notify the district office. If the deceased is the insured district employee, Policy is $50,000 from MetLife. The district sends out a MetLife claim form to the named beneficiary(ies), and dependents are offered COBRA.
Death of dependent member - notify the district office
Life Insurance - Supplemental life insurance (spouse/child) can be purchased during a qualifying event, or during open enrollment.
NEA Complimentary Life Insurance: four levels of coverage for TTEA members: 1) $1,000 of life insurance 2) Up to $5,000 of Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) coverage; $1,000 per year benefit up to a maximum 3) $50,000 AD&D benefit for any covered accident that occurs on the job or while serving as an Association Leader 4) $150,000 Life Insurance benefit for unlawful homicide while on the job
Information here: NEA Life Insurance *be sure to name your beneficiary(ies)
Resignation: coverage ends on the last day of the month in which you resign. CVT sends a COBRA offer.
Graduation: Three $1,000 scholarships are available for TTEA members’ kids or wards, one for each high school. If there is not TTEA dependent at a school, the other schools are awarded a second scholarship. Apply through Tahoe Truckee Community Foundation: TTEA scholarships
Retirement - can stay on the district health insurance plan…
Hired prior to 1988? District will pay your portion until age 65.
Hired after 1988? Choices:
COBRA available for District plan (you pay full cost)
Find own plan (perhaps through Covered California)
If eligible, enroll in Medicare with or without supplemental insurance.
Health Insurance: open enrollment at the end of the school year for new plans effective 10/1/23
CVT’s web page - helpful info and access to providers, forms, links CVT Trust and Links
Questions regarding your claims and deductible? CVT dedicated Anthem Blue Cross
Customer Care unit: 1.800.234.4333
Sydney Mobile App: download to manage every aspect of your health plan: App Info
Delta Dental: Dental Insurance 1.866.499.3001
Vision: VSP Vision Care 1.800.877.7195
Prescriptions: CVS Caremark 1.888.354.6390
TTUSD web page: helpful info/links can be found here: TTUSD benefits Questions? Ask Jana
CTA/NEA member benefits: available to all TTEA members: CTA benefits and NEA benefits
CalSTRS Presentations: coming your way, along with other benefits presentations later this year!
Truckee Side: January 23, 2:45 and 3:45
Lake Side: January 24, 2:45 and 3:45
Something missing from this list? Send suggestions to your Site Rep or gina.ostephens@gmail.com
District Office Contact: Alejandra Venegas, Employee Benefits (530) 582-2511, 20428 Notify Jana
All information provided as a courtesy to TTEA members and has been confirmed by CVT and the District Office.
Members are encouraged to contact the appropriate insurance carrier directly with questions.